
1st Place Winner of the UROC 180 Competition, April 2023, Meg Honnold


The UROC 180 Competition will be held in-person at the SUB on Friday, April 11, 2025. UROC 180 is just like an elevator pitch - it challenges you to present your research in just 180 seconds to a general audience with no background in your research area. The top 3 winners will receive scholarships ($500 1st prize, $300 2nd prize, & $200 3rd prize).

The UROC 180 Competition is only open to individual presenters, not teams of presenters.

Your UROC 180 presentation must be made in 3 minutes or less. Exceeding 3 minutes will result in deduction of points. The facilitator will keep time. There is no visual aid in the room, so do not plan to use PowerPoint, video or other media. Please dress professionally (business or business casual). Please be sure to invite your mentors, family, and friends.

To participate in the UROC 180 Competition, submit your abstract by March 14th.

See an example of a pre-recorded UROC 180 from 2021's virtual conference