Research Story

Research Story Honorable Mention Awardee in April 2023, Velanie Chavez

Communicating the story behind a research project helps others to better understand the context of your research, and to see the journey you took in formulating and implementing your project.  We invite you to create a video, webpage or essay that describes your research journey.  Your research story should be created for the general public, and may include a narrative account of the following elements (at your discretion).  Your story may include video, pictures, text or other media.  Please do not use copyrighted content unless you have permission in writing from the copyright owner.
  • Your Research Project: What was your research question?  Briefly describe the design of your research project.
  • Your Path to Research: What previous experiences prepared you to conduct your research? Who was influential in helping you design and implement your project?  Who was most supportive of your research?  Were you a part of any research program at UNM (e.g., McNair/ROP, MARC, El Puente, etc.) and how did that shape your path to research?
  • Designing Your Project: How did you decide on your research project or question? Why do you feel your research is important?  Who will most benefit from your research?
  • Research Outcomes: What were the findings from your research? What are the implications for these findings?  How did you share these findings with others?
  • Personal Outcomes: How did this project change you?  What did you learn about yourself or your future from conducting this research? What would you do differently if you were to conduct this research again?
  • Peer Outcomes: What advice would you give to other undergraduate researchers who are just starting out on their journey?

There are no time or page limits to your story.  However, keep in mind that your story should be directed to the general public, and not to other researchers.  The top story will receive a $250 cash prize. 

  • Complete the Abstract Submission Form by March 8.
  • After the Abstract Deadline, we will host four optional online meetings to help you develop and finalize your research story project. We will contact you by email with days & times, and with further instructions to attend one of these meetings.
  • Judges will review all stories and the winner will be announced at the UROC Closing & Awards Ceremony on April 12 at the SUB. You do not need to be present to win.
  • The winning story, and a few honorable mention stories, will be posted on the UROC website for one year.
  • See examples of 2022 and 2023 UROC Research Stories